lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Book review - Treasure Island

The book I have read is "Treasure Island", written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
The progonist is a young boy who relate his adventures in first person. His name is Jim Hawkins and he works in the inn of his parents wich is called "The admiral Benbow". Jim is a valient inteligent and ingenious boy.
One day an old seaworthy with a big scar arrived to the inn. His name was Billy Bones. When the seaworthy died, Jim took a Billy´s book and a map. Due to the map he realised the existence of a legendary treasure. Jim told this to the doctor Livesey and the gentleman Trelawney, and all of them prepared an expedition to go in its search.
Trelawney bought a boat called "La Española". They had problems to find crewmembers but one day an seaworthy called Long John Silver appeared. He was inmediately taken on hire like cook. He and all his crewmembers arrived to the boat.
The crossing started with the strange company. During the the crossing, Jim fall down to a barrel of apples and there he heard how Silver prepared a mutiny. Therefore, the crew was divided in two groups. One of them was with Jim (Trelawney, Livesey, Gray, Humter, Joyce, Redruth and the captain Smollet) and the other one was with John Silver (most of them were drunkard).
When the arrived at the island, the first group went out from the boat and they found shelter in a cabin called "Estacada", a house of wood with a palisade for the defense, that had been build by the captain Flint.
When they were some days at the island the situation had changed a lot. Jim found Ben Gunn who was a pirate that Flint had left at the island. Another day Jim left the palisade, without saying anything and went to the boat in order to get back because it was the only way of gettingo off from the island. On account of his inteligence and the good luck, he got the control of the boat. He took the it to the shore, so the pirates will not find it.
When he came back to "Estacada", Jim were very surprised, seeing that his friends weren´t there. There were Silver and the other pirates who still alive. They were not a lot. Jim realised that his friends had have a deal with Silver. They could went out and Silver still having the map, the cabin, the guns and the doctor.
Pirates went to look for the treasure carrying Jim with them. When they arrived to the place where the treasure was according to the map, but the treasure wasn´t there. Someone had taken it. By this time, Jim´s friends arrived to save Jim and to take Silver like a prisoner.
They went to Ben Gunn´s cave, where the treasure was and they took it.
They started the crossing of return. When they arrived at Bristol, Silver scaped with a part of the treasure, but Jim and his friends are very happy, due to they are alive and rich.

Cultural background 
Stevenson refers to the Viceroy of the Indies, a ship sailing from India, wich was taken by Edward England off Malabar while John Siñver was serving aboard England´s ship Cassandra.

Important passages
" this was a wide place, fresh, with a spring and a pond of cool water surrounded of brakens. The floor was of sand. Behind a great bonfire I could see big piles of coins and gold ingot. This was the treasure of Flint".
This passage is very important because all the story speaks about it, about the treasure.

Crewmembers: a group of people who work on a shipm boat or train.
Palisade:  a fence of stakes or iron railings, forming an enclosure or defence.

I really love this book. I have read it two times. It was the firs long book I have read and then I read it again to remember it because I like it so much

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