martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Turning points

There always come a time in your life when you have to decide what your priorities are. That time came to me two years ago.

During the secondary school I had not studied so much as I had not enough work pressure. I knew my marks were not important for my professional future so I gave priority to another things like my football team or friends.

When I started bachillerato, I decided I had to change. I started that year doing all my homeworks, studying hard and missing many training and weekend time due to my studies. Since that moment, I have completely changed and I am so different with respect to two years before.

In conclusion, the start of bachillerato was a great turning point for me as it has defined what I am as of today.


The most funny and interesting anecdote I have ever had with a teacher at I.E.S Nestor Almendros happened in a French class, with Adriana.

During that class, wich took place the year I started at the High School, I realized that my pen had disappeared so I deduced someone had thrown my pen  outside the class. In that situation, I asked Adriana if I could take the pen she accepted but she was so interested in knowing who threw the pen. As I have said, I didn´t know that, I didn´t even know wath happened in reality. Finally, she stopped asking although she was very angry and, on our part, we continue without knowing what really happened.

 To conclude, this is a funny anecdote about my class  but also a mystery that six years after the happening, we continue without having solved it. 

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012


     - The bilingual group have travelled abroad twice together and I like so much both experiences but if I had to choose I will say that Wales one, as it were not only fantastic, but also our first experience abroad. To explain how it was, I´m going to make a little summary of it.

     - Four years ago I visited LLangollen with my classmates and some teachers. It is located near to Liverpool, in Wales and it has a wonderful landscape.

    - We all were so excited at the airport and also nervous as we had never travelled abroad together. When the plane took off I forgot all these feelings because I was sitting with Pablo, who was going to be with me at the same house, and we started speaking about our sensations.

    - Once we landed and we went by bus to Llangollen, I met Will  and Alex, my host. They were two joker and funny brothers who I spent many good moments with. Both of them, Pablo and I, spended most of days playing football in the garden and jumping in a trampoline. We also went two or three days to play football to a field with James Rodriguez, Valls and Javi James. In addition, fields there were awesome, they were very long and in perfect conditions because of the rainy weather, so everydays there were fantastic.

    - We were at Llangollen for a week, since Monday to Sunday. On friday, Will´s mother, whose name I can´t remember , invited Pablo and me to a party with their neighbors and friends, who didn´t live very near, as houses there were separated a lot but after all they were the nearest people who lived in that side of the town. There was very good food at the party, which was being celebrated in a very big house with an awesome garden. It was Mary´s house. Mary was a very pretty and kind girl who was two years older than me. In relation to the house, there was a football field outside which was not very long but in perfect conditions, like all the fields I saw in the town. It was a very busy day but next day was even more. On Saturday, we went to school,we went to school but this was not a usual day as the day after we were going to come back to Seville. This way, a goodbye party was going to take place that ninght. Once we were at the party, we were astonished because there were a motocross show, a great concert and many stalls with variety food from differents countries, that is, it was amazing.

    - When the celebration finished, we all becamevary sad and most of us , including me, started crying. Next day, when we said ¨goodbye¨ to our host families, more of the same but despite of that, I can certainly say that it has been one of the best experiences I have ever lived.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


   - I would like to write about cheating in Mari Paz´s exams. For five long years we have had many funny anecdotes with her and most of them were about cheating.

   - In second year, Mari Paz Derry was our Naturals Science teacher. At first, many classmates failed exams as we didn´t study so much by this time, therefore some people chose to cheat. Javi James was one of them. One morning, while we were doing an exam, he took the book and started cheating the answers. Rest of us were astonished. But then we realized that Mari Paz didn´t see anything, so some people did the same as Javi and some other started swoping. It was a chaos but no one was caught.

  - Another funny anecdote is the Guille´s one. He was one of the patners who never cheated. Moreover, he was helpful and let people to cheat him. the funny anecdote starts in a really hard exam, in which a lot of classmates wanted to know his answers. Some people started swoping Guille´s exam.Therefore, he became nervous and then angry as he didn´t know where his exam was. Finally, he found it and most of the class had a great mark.  Miss Derry knew something strange was going on, as a lot of people had exactly the same answers but she couldn´t do anything so we all ended happily.

  - Those are two anecdotes about cheating in the bilingual class but I can tell you a lot more anecdotes like those. To sum up, I must say that cheating became a tradition in the bilingual group during the first four years, before bachillerato.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012


   My first year in the High School was very exciting, as I met a lot of new people. I didn´t make just new classmates but also made new friends and Jaime Fernandez is a very good example that.

   At first, he was just a college as anyone other as I had never spoken to him before. But then, I started to get along with him. We spent many hours together everyday, due to we were not only in the same class but also were in the same football team.

  Furthemore, he moved to my urbanisation that same year, so we ended becoming great friends. We went together to football, to school and we also went out partying.

  One year later, in the 2010, both of us had to be operated and we decided to have the operation the same day. Regarding to school and football, we were absent for two weeks due to the operation, and we spent these days playing console games.

  To sum up, in spite of the fact that he lives in that moment in a diferent urbanisation and he studies at a different school,  we continue being great friends and going out together every weekend.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

My earliest Memory

It has been six years since we all met. That day, everything was new: classmates, teachers, the building... so I  became a llitle nervous.

When I arrived at the school I realized I knew some people before: Rodrigo, Jaime, Andrés...But there were some patners who I had never spoken with and some others who I had never seen before. In any way, I sit at the class with Rodri and Jaime which calmed me down.

I also remember that we were a llitle confused with Miss Celis as it was the first bilingual class we had ever had and she din´t let us to speak in spanish at her classes. At first, we didn´t pay much attention to her orders but when she present us her famous ¨Red Cards¨, which meant more homeworks if we spoke Spanish, we all fell silent.

In short, even though I started very nervous my first day at NESTOR ALMENDROS, I had a really good impression of my class, our class.