jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


   - I would like to write about cheating in Mari Paz´s exams. For five long years we have had many funny anecdotes with her and most of them were about cheating.

   - In second year, Mari Paz Derry was our Naturals Science teacher. At first, many classmates failed exams as we didn´t study so much by this time, therefore some people chose to cheat. Javi James was one of them. One morning, while we were doing an exam, he took the book and started cheating the answers. Rest of us were astonished. But then we realized that Mari Paz didn´t see anything, so some people did the same as Javi and some other started swoping. It was a chaos but no one was caught.

  - Another funny anecdote is the Guille´s one. He was one of the patners who never cheated. Moreover, he was helpful and let people to cheat him. the funny anecdote starts in a really hard exam, in which a lot of classmates wanted to know his answers. Some people started swoping Guille´s exam.Therefore, he became nervous and then angry as he didn´t know where his exam was. Finally, he found it and most of the class had a great mark.  Miss Derry knew something strange was going on, as a lot of people had exactly the same answers but she couldn´t do anything so we all ended happily.

  - Those are two anecdotes about cheating in the bilingual class but I can tell you a lot more anecdotes like those. To sum up, I must say that cheating became a tradition in the bilingual group during the first four years, before bachillerato.

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